
Creating this glow worm cave and the little extras

For the Friday night presentation before the uni break, we had to finish our Transformation Project up to a stage it could be used, but unpolished. During the break we were to use the constructive critism given by our tutors to polish up our projects.

Above is the very laggy development final.
a= turns left
b=turns right
right mouse click=water drips and circles are created in area of water
left mouse click=torch sounds

This was yet to have fire flies added, using a particle system, plus the torch was going to be replaced with a realistic torch, leaving a smoke trail.

Something I didn't have quite enough time to figure out was why my hidden leap frogs didn't appear out of the water when I placed my mouse over that region of the screen.
This was planned to be fixed by the next stage of developement until I was advised to tone it down, and that less was possibly more in my case.

The sounds are too blatant in this sketch, and this is something I had to work on for my final hand in.
Another question that arose was "why is there a horizon in a cave?". The reason I created the light at the end of the tunnel (yeah yeah, it doesn't look like much of a tunnel), was to give the illusion that you were going somewhere. You could call it false hope. :)
I have removed this for the next development sketch.

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