

My set of four wallpapers comprise of Wellington scenes/themes.
I started off this assignment looking into either working with lines or alternatively with dots.
During the assignment I decided to work with both dots and lines.
The issue was finding the balance between enough lines and
enough dots/circles.
I also played with dot/circle size.
Eventually, I tried adding triangles.
This was one big mistake. Triangles are the devil!
I wound up using squares to spice things up.

The idea between using shapes (circles and squares) at varying transparency
was to give depth for the 3D look.
I want each image to look as if you can see in between layers of pixels.

The use of lines in each composition is to:
1.) shed light on the subject.
 2.) give the "protruding" pixels a path from which they came from.
3.) Symbolise a wealth of history.   


Green Wand


Civic Square

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