
Progress on Project Three:

Wow... so, I've spent a few days drawing in Photoshop, saving, and drawing some more!

Here is the end result of all that drawing and painting:

Illustration for my "if/else statement' exhibition.

I came across a few issues.

The first issue was regarding the subject to paint. I needed something that meant something but at the same time wound up quite pretty. I figured, and some of you may not understand this the first time round (sorry, if that is the case), that if I had an enchanted forest, with two fairies - one locked up in a cage and one free fairy - it would illustrate something along the lines of "IF I had no freedom, I'd feel like I were locked away in a cage, ELSE I'd roam the forest"... I don't really know, I'm working on the "if/else" line.

The second issue was to do with the Processing interactive program I was planning on creating with these images. The plan was to have separate images for every change I made to the photoshop image, as well as have separate folders within the image folder with colour coding to separate the orange changes to the green, etc. This I found was going to prove difficult when creating a bunch of arrays, each with a different collection of these images, whether it be blue, orange, red, purple, black outline only, no black outline but with colour...
Here it got COMPLETELY complicated. I reckon if I had a week to efficiently file each image with each change, I could make arrays that work around each other in the program.

The plan has changed now... but to what?
I have around 100 separate jpg images to work with.

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