
Initial Story Board for Project Two

Just imagine:
You're stuck in a dark mouldy room with a dim light swinging back and forth
from the ceiling. At this point, you just want to get out of there, anything is
better than this! You have three doors to choose from.

The warm inviting light from Door One gets your fingers moving.
You click your mouse on the door.
It slowly creaks open...

It's open, but the light is too bright.
What can possibly be on the other side.
The only way is to walk through and find out.

You are transported to a tropical jungle.
In the background you can hear exotic birds, bugs and a waterfall.
With the move of your mouse, the leaves of the bush move
and butterflies flutter. 

It doesn't stop there... Why not change the colour of the waterfall
to suit your mood? If you can change the mood led lights in a spa, then why not
a waterfall? Right?
After all, this is not your reality, it's your matrix.

Or... What if you picked Door Two?
There is no better place than to be sitting along the shore line the ocean
with the sun setting behind an the outline of an island.
The is an air of history though, with a supporting posts of an
old wharf mostly submerged in the water.
With the move of the mouse from right to left, you have the power to
bring on more heavy cloud.

As the clouds get bigger and thicker, it starts to rain. Now you can control the
power of the rain by the vertical movement of your mouse.
The soothing sounds of distant wind chimes and rain hitting the ocean surface
calm you.

Door Three however would have taken you to a glow worm filled cave.
The movement of your mouse lights of different areas of the cave.
In fact, your mouse is actually a fire torch. As you sway your fire torch from side to side
you can hear it hiss and crackle.

The question is, what else is lurking in the cave with you?

Eventually everyone has to go back to reality unfortunately...

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