
Processing development

I'm currently working on my perlin noise cave ceiling. I've experimented with both P3D and OPENGL in the size parameter... I've found P3D to keep the image smoother than OPENGL.

Update on concept stage!

At this very moment, I am looking at using perlin noise, although, I plan to control the perlin noise, and restrict it's output to create the cave ceiling AND reflection under/on the water below.
I also plan on using another kind of perlin noise to create a swarm of glowing fire flies.

Now, after thinking (yes I do a lot of that surprisingly), I realise if I use perlin to create the cave ceiling, there may not be any point to designing glow worms. This is because the cave will already look like it's covered in glow worms. That is why I'd like to introduce perlin glowing fire flies instead.

The water I plan on creating with ripples etc, but to create the reflection of the ceiling in the water, I will have to create an mirror image of the ceiling under the layer of water. This way it should appear to be a reflection rather than a mere cheat.

Bats... how do I create bats hanging off a perlin cave ceiling? Hmm... This could pose as an issue at this point.

I am thinking of creating the illusion of the end of the cave/tunnel coming nearer and nearer (without actually reaching the end ofcourse!). This may relax the mood a little in the sense it creates hope.

Rainforest sound bite

Sounds | Effects | Sound Bites | Sound Clips from SoundBible.com

This may be useful in a cave environment, it will suffice as background ambience

Torch sound bite

Torch Sounds | Effects | Sound Bites | Sound Clips from SoundBible.com

As you move forward through the cave, imagine moving your torch to see what is lurking to the right of you. This is the sound you should hear!

Rowing your boat through water - sound bite

Sounds | Effects | Sound Bites | Sound Clips from SoundBible.com

I'm not sure if this sound might be overwhelming in project two. Floating through a cave, and constantly hearing the water turning might be distracting in some cases...

Rain sound bite

Rain Sounds | Effects | Sound Bites | Sound Clips from SoundBible.com

Okay... so I do understand that it doesn't rain in caves, but if you listen to this sound bite, it could sound like there is a storm outside and the rain is running through the cave, plus it sounds like there must be an end to the cave somewhere close?

Tiny Frog sound bite

Tiny Frog Sounds | Effects | Sound Bites | Sound Clips from SoundBible.com

Yay for tiny frogs!
To prevent my project from sounding too gloomy and scary, maybe some frog input would be soothing (for the soul... yeah, couldn't help myself, had to add 'for the soul').

Water Fountain sound bite

Water Fountain Noise Sounds | Effects | Sound Bites | Sound Clips from SoundBible.com

I know it's not often you find a water fountain in a cave :)
Oh well... it actually sounds like running water in my opinion

Paper Development

Cave Starting Point 
Shows movement through the cave... tunnel ahead

But then I realised,
most caves have pools of water in areas.
So... I added water... and will import an image
of the front of a rowing boat to
give the impression the view/user
is sitting in a boat.
Here is my scribble at the top after talking with Ben
during our lab session! 

Rough sketch of walking/floating closely by
a spider and web...

Passing bats sleeping on cave top

Brain storming while discussing ideas with Ben!
Things to use, and things not to do...


More concept development and thoughts


I found this:

Perlin landscape! (use [a] and [d] to rotate use [w] and [s] to change the gap (the space between the dots)

Wouldn't it be amazing to move about a cave made of perlin??

Concept Developement - idea developement more like!

Okay, so I was set to create this whole story line for the user to follow with my storyboard for project two... how ever, I have been told it will be too much work and instead, to focus on one environment.

Due to this, I have changed my idea dramatically. I feel that neither one of the three/four environments in my original story board are exciting enough to work on. I have taken one concept though, and changed the story line behind it.

Imagine a cave, it's dark... but beautiful at the same time.
Your point of view will be from someone walking forward through the cave interacting with the environment.
Looking at the glow worms, moving from side to side... walking through cobwebs, dodging bats.
You can hear drips of something in the background, as well as flapping and squeaking of bats. As you walk through cobwebs, the sounds of them breaking is faint but there.

The question now is how to create a 3D cave environment?
Maybe the answer is to make it 2D using parallax?
Parallax is layering of objects/images to create a 3D look but a flat 3D look.
The idea is to divide the distance by 2 (I think?) between the layers of objects and have them move accordingly
to give the idea of movement.

An example of parallax is as follows:

Initial Story Board for Project Two

Just imagine:
You're stuck in a dark mouldy room with a dim light swinging back and forth
from the ceiling. At this point, you just want to get out of there, anything is
better than this! You have three doors to choose from.

The warm inviting light from Door One gets your fingers moving.
You click your mouse on the door.
It slowly creaks open...

It's open, but the light is too bright.
What can possibly be on the other side.
The only way is to walk through and find out.

You are transported to a tropical jungle.
In the background you can hear exotic birds, bugs and a waterfall.
With the move of your mouse, the leaves of the bush move
and butterflies flutter. 

It doesn't stop there... Why not change the colour of the waterfall
to suit your mood? If you can change the mood led lights in a spa, then why not
a waterfall? Right?
After all, this is not your reality, it's your matrix.

Or... What if you picked Door Two?
There is no better place than to be sitting along the shore line the ocean
with the sun setting behind an the outline of an island.
The is an air of history though, with a supporting posts of an
old wharf mostly submerged in the water.
With the move of the mouse from right to left, you have the power to
bring on more heavy cloud.

As the clouds get bigger and thicker, it starts to rain. Now you can control the
power of the rain by the vertical movement of your mouse.
The soothing sounds of distant wind chimes and rain hitting the ocean surface
calm you.

Door Three however would have taken you to a glow worm filled cave.
The movement of your mouse lights of different areas of the cave.
In fact, your mouse is actually a fire torch. As you sway your fire torch from side to side
you can hear it hiss and crackle.

The question is, what else is lurking in the cave with you?

Eventually everyone has to go back to reality unfortunately...